Bring your own yoga mat!

Aaron Star's Hot Nude Yoga

You really can find anything in New York City, including “naked gay men exploring Tantra” in their Hot Nude Yoga class. Check out the blog for the latest news and information on how to pay to have your ass touched while stretching by a man who is probably not a prostitute.

If you don’t live in New York, or the idea of doing the “child’s pose” with a bunch of other naked homos makes you uncomfortable, you can just watch this preview video at home and “participate” in your own way. (via Naked City Boys)

pedro says:

Gawd, so many hunky guys. Of course a potbelly jellyfish would hardly have place in such a yoga gym. But worth peeking, anyway.

neal says:

You guys fuckin suck, turning a healing posture, available to any body shape, into a frickin boring twink porn exclusion, karma Bitches!