DickDorm: Try Me!

Try Me! at DickDorm.com

Try Me! at DickDorm.com

Try Me! at DickDorm.com

Try Me! at DickDorm.com

This DickDorm update is full of hot guys. Some girls got invited to the party, but definitely the guys take the cake. I have never seen some many muscles in one room together. One good thing about the girls is that they quickly want the guys to get naked and they do whatever possible to achieved it. I don’t think it gets any better than six REALLY hot guys jerking each other off just for fun, but that’s not all. Once they found a blow up doll under the bed, they really get loose and the party takes a turn to the super naughty.

Watch the ‘Try Me’ Previews | Visit DickDorm.com

Fazz says:

Only one I find the slightest bit attractive is the the Tom Cruise looking, pocket gay… ;)

sliderboi says:

figures you’d go with the guy with the highest BMI.

Bob-omb says:

Figures you’d make a comment like an anorexic moron.

Fazz says:

Sliderboi! plz do me a favour. Go eat something, you’re looking positively famished.

And highest BMI? You kidding? haha

porndog says:

Some white boys (w/shaved pubes) should NOT be photographed flaccid (see 1st pic). Makes me want to powder their behinds. Not sexy. What is the point of this update? How grossed out can you make people?

porndog says:

OK the tall black guy is kinda hot. Funny that he’s the one they don’t show much.

Res1 says:

& he has a big lovely, pink headed penis. Too bad it’s wasted on this!

LikeWhoa! says:

Those squeaky-voiced silly bitches certainly didn’t help this vid. I don’t know how the hell str8 guys can stand them. I go into an instinctual predator mode when I hear those high-pitched, shrill, twittering noises coming from the female sex. In much the same fashion a wolf goes after the lost yelping of a nascent animal in the wild.

What happened to real women who don’t sound or act like Paris Hilton or one of those Kardashian bimbos? You know, real women with even an ounce of self-respect and accountability for their actions.

Rant complete.

Jazz says:

This has got to be one of the lamest (if that’s a word) sites that I’ve seen.

sliderboi says:

with the possible exception of the guy on the left in the first picture, they are all chubby and need just to “say no” to hamburgers. and fries. and milkshakes.

bambam85 says:

mixed guy is a hottie. looks bland.

Established One says:

Really? Seriously?

AaronJL says:

Apparently yeah. Not for me though. Not even one of them. A lesson in How Not to Make a Profitable Web Site. I can’t imagine that this site actually makes money.

jokerjack says:

Sliderboi and his “fat” and “BMI” comments are just fucking ridiculous. These guys are FAR from fat. Jesus tap-dancing CHRIST, queens are so damn bitchy if — GOD FORBID — a person decides to NOT live at the gym. The hate and bile thrown when using words like “fat” just sicken me.

humanoid says:

some cute faces here… but with not-lean-not-fat bodies and ugly pubes….

Daniel says:

More contrivance.

Orion Hunter says:

Silly site but from what I see in that final pic, a few of these guys might catch my attention (blond on the far left, both black guys and the one seated).

But catching my attention and holding it are two entirely different things. ;)