Bel Ami Online: Daniel Hagen

Daniel Hagen at BelamiOnline

Daniel Hagen at BelamiOnline

Daniel Hagen at BelamiOnline

Daniel Hagen at BelamiOnline

This is a photoshoot we have had on the shelves for a little while now and was shot by Marty in Bratislava.
GD thinks he is a cute and sexy brunette but that the armchair was a little too wild so it just sat on the shelves for a bit.


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humanoid says:

michael lucas’ long lost brother!

Fazz says:


This kid is cute enough to play the Doctor in “Dr. Who” :o :o


porndog says:

What a beautiful model! Wonder if Daniel did more scenes.

fresero_abre_culos says:

One more time like being in Europe 1945. Meh! Can’t stand how they put on make up on his cheekbones to bring them out like a woman’s.

Daniel says:

Dude looks like an owl.

Marco26 says:

Agree that the couch is terrible, but Bel Ami has a major problem with over styling absolutely everything. The model is wearing too much lipstick and makeup. Wish they would go back to their original styling. The model is cute, but not shown in the best way.

Life Is Better With BelAmi: Superwide & Tall Posts