SeanCody: Malcolm

Malcolm at SeanCody

Malcolm at SeanCody

Malcolm at SeanCody

Malcolm’s Solo at SeanCody:

Malcolm is a hottie. He was a little nervous, but the excitement of trying something new overruled anything else.

“Never been naked before in front of a camera.”

That may be so, but the camera loved him…especially with that lean body and big dick of his!

Watch Malcolm at SeanCody

Watch Malcolm at SeanCody

sam my says:

Love his smile, he gives me older Italian vibes

Pete says:

Who is this guy??

No_No_No_Yes says:

Well older anyway.

Kevin says:

He looks like he has teenage kids at home. The age range they allow is to wide, from high school attendees to this guy.

Scrapple says:

He’s like a hotter version of VP Murray from The Real O’Neals. I’m not sure about the hair in some of those shots. Malcolm strikes me as a twink who grew up and discovered he was a late-in-life gay. And a bottom. He’ll probably be getting fucked over by the likes of Daniel and Randy.

Kevin says:

He said he was a top.

Astrodude says:

I agree. He looks old.

Billy C says:

He is – but he’s welcum as far as I’m concerned.

Scrapple says:

Hoes be lying.

Billy C says:

I sure hope so!

Colton, The Major Hussy says:

Not bad. He looks particularly good in the pic next to the mirror, nice profile.

Kevin says:

I want to know how his ass looks like, why don’t they ever include ass pics?

sam my says:

Because they have stuck in their mindgeek simple brains that gays are size queens.

Im a butt man, forget what you think you know and what you heard.

Ben says:

With smile and face like that? I don’t care if has pancake ass.

Gazzaq says:

Agreed and this is an ongoing complaint of mine. Hot Guys but no Arse Shots what a Fucking Liberty.

Kevin says:

Not really liking, i don’t know how old he is but i think he looks to old for SC.

Bob Bilbert says:

He’s okay.

paultacoma51 says:

OH yeah, baby! Sweet daddy! Lean body, nice smile, nice feet…I’m sold! I’m getting a vibe combo of Dennis/Daniel as far as his energy. I think he’ll be back and doing dirty things.

Billy C says:

He does have deceptively long fingers and feet for what’s in between. But he’s looking damn good overall.

LSD says:

He does have nice feet and yes to all of that!

Wolfypot says:

Why does he look so familiar???

Ivan Jimenez says:

That smile looks the same though!

Ivan Jimenez says:

Lets hope he comes back & really fuck the shit outta Daniel, Shaw, Randy, Jack, Dean, Joey & everybody else by finishing the scene up with a grand facial!.

Zane McGuire says:

Holy fuck, it’s a grown ass man on Sean Cody. It’s the end times.

More of this please.

Billy C says:

The Rapture for sure.

freater says:

Best update of 2017. Yup, I know it’s only May.

TightBottom199 says:

The haircut reminds me of Dylan from Corbin Fisher. Which should be taken care of by someone ASAP. Otherwise, I would let him give me lots of sex.

No_No_No_Yes says:

LOL.. Well shit, he can be the new Dennis.

No_No_No_Yes says:

Dude I don’t hate this site, it was actually my favorite for the longest – but since the takeover the updates are so hit an miss it is sad. There is nothing compared to it’s illustrious past save maybe the infamous “Nixon” scene. Now run along Brittany.

Sushi says:

Is Sean Cody “Men over 30” now?

whodunit? says:

We can only hope. The twink thing is tired.

Billy C says:

I’m not into twinks at all. But vintage Sean Cody did slightly better than twinks, and it was enough to tantalize the sac consistently. If we could have that back AND this . . . WAHOOOOO!

No_No_No_Yes says:

I don’t think I’ll ever quite wrap my head around the diversity in tastes lmmfao, y’all can have this one. I’m still over here at Corbin Fisher on my man Evan and his bubble butt.

Guy says:

Looks pretty YUMMY to me!

joeybig172 says:

Handsome 💓

Sam_sam says:


Denver2020 says:

a bit mature.

L. T. says:

Nothing wrong with that.

Toptobottom76 says:

I love the suburban dad look

jk12 says:

A nice find – his face is a cross between Jude Law and Jon Hamm. His eyes twinkle and his smile is both boyish and manly. His body is natural and athletic and unmarred by tattoos and roid. I give him a solid B. Let’s hope he can turn it into an A in his next scene.

jeremyrain98 says:

Malcolm can totally pass as Daniel’s older brother (although with Daniel’s grey hair, IDK which one is actually older). He and that long dick need to penetrate the hole of young dude like Nixon ASAP.

L. T. says:

Damn, what a knob!

W J says:

He’s giving me some Don Draper vibes.. So I really can’t complain. Very hot!

moondoggy says:

I searched for Alan Ladd and he came up, so I’m assuming that’s him. I have been meaning to watch Shane for about ten years now but I haven’t gotten around to it.

My favorite classic hunk is probably Robert Conrad. I always thought that he and Jean-Claude Van Damme knew for the entirety of their careers that their physiques were not being admired by women primarily.

jinger says:

Mmm rescue me, big guy

moondoggy says:

Do you mean Malcolm?

jinger says:

I miss Matt so much :(

No_No_No_Yes says:

LOL Gah your gifs… where the fuck do yoou find all this shit!

Ivan Jimenez says:

Chris really looks hot if he were to go all the way bald. I once told him this at Scott’s house party and he said thanks dude! But he said it in an insecure way and with a couple of chuckles. He really does have anxiety issues, but as long as he continues with therapy and have a support system of family and friends, he will be alright.

I really hope he and a lucky woman (his wife) have children, so they could tame his wild ways and calm his anxiety a lot. I mean, don’t get wrong, Chris is my favorite Marvel’s superheroes, but he really need to buckle down once he finds the right wife-material woman instead of these artificial tramps.

No_No_No_Yes says:

You rawk.