PerfectGuyz: Sebastian

Sebastian at PerfectGuyz
Sebastian at PerfectGuyz
Sebastian at PerfectGuyz
Sebastian at PerfectGuyz
Sebastian at PerfectGuyz
Sebastian at PerfectGuyz

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Introducing PerfectGuyz Sebastian – an intriguing name for an equally intriguing man. Sebastian is a tall, lean, well proportioned man – towering 6′ 2″, smooth and muscular with broad shoulders giving him a pronounced “V” stature.

Sebastian wears an array of unique Tattoos – not the kind a frat boy would wear – but more like that of a guy with a past; “Rough Trade” might best describe this handsome stud. Recently from Florida, Sebastian has settled into the California lifestyle. He describes California as “a place that has whatever you want.” For a great looking guy like Sebastian, experienced at life and skilled at sex – he will have little challenge finding whatever he wants.