RandyBlue: Renato Machado

Renato Machado at Randy Blue

Renato Machado at Randy Blue

Renato Machado at Randy Blue

Renato Machado at Randy Blue

Renato Machado at Randy Blue

Watch Renato’s Teaser Clip | Visit RandyBlue.com

Randy wrote:

No matter what I do, I can never seem to escape work. I was so busy with scheduling models and so many photo shoots that I needed a night out on the town. I turned off my cell phone, clicked off my email, put on a really hot outfit and hit the clubs. So there I was having a cocktail when the most gorgeous man walked past. He was wearing a tight fitting black v-neck shirt that showed off his beautiful hairy chest with rock hard pecs and six pack abs, his arms were muscular and strong, and I could tell by the tight jeans that he had a great looking ass. I positioned myself at the bar so I could get a good look at his face. He has these amazing hazel eyes that sparkled in the low bar lights and the kind of swarthy good looks that make both men and women swoon. He caught me checking him out and came over to talk. I went to introduce myself and he cut me off, saying, ‘I know who you are, you’re Randy Blue’. He said his name was Renato Machado and he had just moved to LA from Brazil. While we were talking he admitted that it had been a fantasy of his to pose on a site like mine. So I gave him my card and had him come in. Like I said, I can never escape work, but I can’t really say that’s a bad thing. When we were setting up the details of the shoot I thought it would be fun to give my members a little sneak peek at him before his video went up so I had him do an appearance on Randy Blue Live. The guys in the chat room loved him. The next day as I was setting up the cameras for the shoot I noticed something moving outside the window. It was Renato doing some martial arts exercises out on the lawn. I snuck my camera out and got some good shots of him before letting him get on with the main shoot. He was so hot, and had such a great time in front of the camera. I loved looking at his body so much that I put him next to a mirror so I could see more of him at once, and when it came time to shoot his load he shot right on it, like he was admiring his own beauty and shooting his hot sticky load all over it.

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Marcus says:

Yeah. The goodness of a stunning brazilian male. Great one RB!

Blah! says:

” . . . [I] put on a really hot outfit and hit the clubs.” LOL! Who the fuck cares RB? You need to hire someone who can just write about the model and the shoot. No one cares about how busy you are. Good job on the shoot, but a crappy ass summary. LOL . . “he shot right on it [the mirror], like he was admiring his own beauty.” You dumbass, he jizzed onto a mirror because you paid him to do it.

Luigi2k says:

he’s hot. Nice, I love his hairy hole

phunky says:

DAMN! Love his legs. So hot!

Garrett says:

WHOA, WE HAVE A WINNER. Man-o-man is he hot. Can’t wait to see him have sex.

kiko says:

OI RENATO,vc está mt bem com um corpo mt legal com uma aparencia bonita, com um “pinto” mt bommm, bom o resultado final é mt bom, continua que vc vai bem, tchau
para vc e felicidades tb.

Vinicius_Brazil says:

Is “Machado” or “Mechado” here in Brazil we call MAchado.

Vic says:

Pretty much agree with Blah! Over-kill with the narrative. Addtionally, the fella’s head seems a bit large in proportion to the bod. Nice bod however!
HAIR is generally always nice for me……….

Kyle Saguaro says:

The combination of DNA is for some reason the best in Brazil because Brazilians seem to be extraordinarily hot

Vic says:

I agree KYLE!

Tobias says:

So how did Mr. Breathtaking-Fresh-Off-The-Plane-From-Brazil know it was you Randy Blue? As much as I love your site, the narrative is bogus. That said, this is one smokin’ hot man. My goodness gracious is he ever sexy, erotic, and exotic. Whew. Who is he going to be paired with, do you think? His body is heaven on a stick. That light mat of fur, those sweet pecs, that thick penis. Those lips. Sigh, those gorgeous lips. I want more of Renato, and quickly.

snoopdoggy69 says:

uh snoops got a brown bag for that face and a big black schlong for that ass.

damon says:

Most of the Randy Blue video descriptions are bullshit. How would some guy in a bar know it was Randy Blue? Like Randy Blue is some famous, recognizable person? What a load of crap.

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