New Site Notice: Out In Public!

New Site Notice!: Out In Public

Gay sex in public places like bathrooms, gym locker rooms, park benches, parking lots and more. I’ll fuck you in the ass!

New Site Notice!: Out In Public

New Site Notice!: Out In Public

Me and my partner love picking up and fucking total strangers. This websites is the video blog documentation of our lives and our passion. We meet guys and we fuck the shit out of him before we ever know his name.


Riley says:

WTH is this!!!!! ;) like Karen I’m not getting in a car with no stranger for less than 5 million in negot. securities and then some.

All these new sites popping up eventually to fall by the wayside. I like this premise will see.

Ryder25 says:

Breaking the law and glorifying public sex on camera. Nice.

sliderboi says:

no point in a law if it never gets broken. and public sex is AMAZing! :-)

Bob-omb says:

Ryder, they’re probably not breaking the law. Public sex is legal in many European countries — and these public sex sites are almost always European.

FeydRautha says:

The preview vids look pretty hot. The top in the “Empty Lot” scene… HUGE dick.

Established One says:

I saw the previews…looks hot…I give it a thumbs up.

moondoggy says:

I reserve judgment. About 2/3 of the “public” vids appear to take place in secluded rooms or backyards, but at least one vid looked like a genuine public stunt with cars honking at them. I would love to see that one all the way through. Doesn’t look worth the money yet, but it does seem to have potential.

Bradster says:

This looks like it’s by the same idiots that brought us Hazehim.

blobalbob says:

yawn, I was shooting this stuff 10 years ago

Ryder25 says:

The site is American. It’s in Miami. Nudity and public sex are illegal in the U.S. This site makes it look like gay men are like dogs who will fuck anywhere. It’s very sad and offensive.

jeff13 says:

wow i’m sure these guys aren’t idiots. i don’t see why you have this perception that they are painting gay men like dogs, maybe you’re insecure with how you come off to people? apparently they like to have fun, and you don’t

brad323 says:

Yep. It is offensive. I’m all about porn and people having great sex, but does it really have to be out in the open where a passerby, or God forbid a child, might see it?

FeydRautha says:

As moondoggy said, I think most of these scenes were shot in controlled environments. A friend’s backyard. A locked after hours bathroom. A deserted carpark with borrowed/hired cars on all sides. So there’s little danger of a child wandering on set…

BenedictXVI says:

They’ll probably end up facing legal issues, if not jail. But my main problem with all this company’s websites is they don’t allow downloading. Until they fix that, I refuse to join.

Ryder25 says:

Hopefully you’re right. Still, these guys are videotaping apparently illegal acts and posting them online. Seems to me it’s all the evidence prosecutors in Florida would need to file charges. You might think these producers had thought about all the legal angles before the cameras rolled, but interestingly, they’re the same people behind which had some legal challenges after it first went online. They apparently got in trouble for using copyrighted logos from universities and real fraternity’s names in their videos. So we’re not dealing with the brightest kids on the block here.

gayboyj05 says:

Can you get in trouble for being a subscriber to this site if it is illegal? I have subscribed, staged or not the vids are hot. I love the one with the car park and the one in the park with the guy in the blue. Those are my favs. However, the “college boy” seth, also appears on the site ItsGonnaHurt. Apparently both are ran by the same guy. I joined to check it out, but I will probably unsubscribe soon.

brad323 says:

No, we can’t get in trouble for subscribing to the site because we’re not the ones breaking the law. They are. Don’t worry. The site will probably be shut down soon.

jeff13 says:

haha so many goodie goodies here. site won’t get shut down. stay fans of internet media, don’t branch out

Ryder25 says:

Oh please. No one who comes here is a fucking goodie goodie. Let’s keep it real. This site is breaking the law, plain and simple. And they ARE making gay men look like animals by fucking in the street. There are too many places to fuck, even outdoors, where it’s legal.

jeff13 says:

are you kidding me? how old are you? or should i ask how conservative are you? lets be real-porn is about enjoying an experience whether its someone else’s, your own, or a fantasy, etc.

quit being such a hater. there is plenty of shit i don’t like out there and i don’t waste my time making comments about how “disgusting” or “illegal!” it is. jealous? new pilgrimage?

Ryder25 says:

Fuck you.

brad323 says:

Jeff, insulting people who have a different opinion is a bit immature. Why should someone who opposes this site not be able to post their views just like you do? I usually couldn’t care less about what porn actors do– as long as it’s consensual. But it does bother me to see them doing it out in the open where there is a chance bystanders could see it. Even if it’s a one in a million chance, I still don’t think it’s right. I’m sure they have 4 SUV’s blocking the action, but from what I’ve seen of this site, these people are not rocket scientists, so I have very little trust in them keeping their sets secure.

jeff13 says:

i’m not trying to be immature, but the fact of the matter is this: he’s coming off stating his opinions and trying to pass them off as facts. will these people get arrested that produce and create this site? absolutely not. does this mean they are idiots? not at all. is there a serious chance of the film crew being caught or seen? very much so, thats the allure of the site.

so much happens behind the scenes its easy to criticize without knowing. my problem with this guy is his high horse on this site is about as sensible as me going out there and saying transformers 3 is about to be shot, its illegal for aliens to come down and destroy the world. i won’t support that movie.

public sex is a very common and popular thing, and the straight market has had it for years. do your feelings about the public sex stem to that as well regardless of it being straight content?

brad323 says:

Dude, you’re criticizing the guy for having an opinion that frankly IS based on fact! Ryder is correct: these guys are breaking the law. But the producers are actually marketing the site to play up the dangers of getting caught which is why it’s appealing to so many people! Now whether they actually will get caught and/or prosecuted is another matter. Are these videos hot? Yes! Are they fucking like dogs? Yes! That’s how dogs fuck. They hop on top and plow like crazy– and the top dog is always looking over his shoulder to make sure a bigger dog isn’t about to move in. Peace.

BenedictXVI says:

This particular porn company has a reputation for pushing the limits of the law, especially when they start up a new site. When they started, they got into immediate legal problems for plastering various university and fraternity logos everywhere. At one point, they had to reedit videos and still photos to avoid lawsuits that could have shut the site down. So I’m sure with this new site, they’re doing the same thing. They’ll push the law as far as they can until they’re forced to modify things. These producers are ballsy, even if their product isn’t very slick. My problem with their sites has always been that they don’t allow downloads. Until they change that policy, I’m not giving them one cent.

jeff13 says:


do you know for a fact that this company got in trouble with universities for the logos and frat stuff? and if the product isn’t so slick why would you join if they allowed d/l?


i guess dogs have some pretty hardcore intense awesome sex if you’re going to compare it then. and i didn’t say they weren’t breaking the law. i had a problem with him saying “based on fact” that the site creators are idiots cause of this and that, legal ramifications(i highly, sincerely doubt this ryder guy is a lawyer)

BenedictXVI says:

Hi Jeff.
Regarding the legal issues about the logos: I sent them an email recently asking why one of the videos and all the still pictures were taken down. They wrote back that they had legal issues involving the use of logos/copyright issues and that they had to cut one video and edit all the photos. They have since restored the edited stills.
To answer your other question, their sign-up page says you can download the videos, but once you join you find out you can’t. I complained about that but got no response, so I cancelled my membership and won’t rejoin until they change that policy. Take care.

jeff13 says:

ahh see? nice to see someone isn’t running around blasting accusations before having something concrete to go on. :)