Next Door HOMEMADE: Dakota Payne and Devin Franco ‘Fist & Fuck’

Dalton Riley at Next Door Studios

Dalton Riley at Next Door Studios
Dalton Riley at Next Door Studios

Dakota Payne and Devin Franco at Next Door STUDIOS:

Devin Franco [JustFor.Fans] and Dakota Payne [JustFor.Fans] fist and fuck at home.

Watch Dakota Payne and Devin Franco at NextDoorSTUDIOS

Watch Dakota Payne and Devin Franco at NextDoorSTUDIOS

McM. says:

I keep forgetting those two live together. I remember an OF scene where they invited Rhyheim Shabazz and Krave over for an orgy. Hot hot hot!

As for this vid, I like everything about it except the fisting. It’s off-brand for NDS.

Northboy691 says:

I just saw that onlyfans video yesterday for the first time.


Globe Trotter says:

WTF?? No thanks! Gay porn just keeps getting nastier and more extreme by the minute. It’s like you can’t watch porn nowadays without someone spitting in your face, shoving feces covered dick down your throat or ramming a fist up your ass. Talk about a slippery slope…

Alann6 says:

Fisting!! WTF! Donte Thick is not the only ignorant person doing porn! I am really disappointed in Dakota and Devin.

Yellaboy says:

They already live together. They are being safe

Eduardo says:


And thank God it’s not B(r)o(mo) Sinn…

Kanaka says:

Wow. What a bunch of pearl clutching grannies commenting here.

Globe Trotter says:

No, you’re the one who doesn’t get it. No one wants to see some gaping, nasty prolapsed hole you could fit your head through. I’m tired of directors and studios pushing this shit on mainstream viewers, and if you object, then you’re the one being intolerant and you’re the one with the problem.

There’s a difference between being a tolerant individual and being a fool. The tolerant individual has boundaries and doesn’t feel the need to accept every unhealthy practice shoved in his face for the sake of “diversity”. That’s the fool’s job…

I’m not against people watching and enjoying fisting, but they should do so on their own sites and forums. Last time I checked, this is a forum for mainstream gay porn (though the decision as of late to include straight porn has left a lot of us scratching our heads).

Kanaka says:

Wtf is “mainstream”? Never mind I don’t have time for your diatribe. You seem angry. I will always champion whoever decides to breach the boundaries of sex play. The freakier the better Grandma.

Globe Trotter says:

No one gives a damn about what sexual practices you indulge in. Shove a light post up your ass for all I care, just discuss it on your own blog and website. Most people do not share your love for a lack of boundaries and most people do not want to see graphic details of someone’s bowels turned inside out. If that’s your thing, more power to you, but please do so on your own site with like-minded individuals.

Scrapple says:

But what constitutes “mainstream?” It wasn’t so long ago that condoms were considered mainstream. Foot fetishes are huge, but there are many who aren’t into that. Spitting, rimming, every sex act resonates differently with people. So who is to say that just because you don’t like something that means it isn’t mainstream? To say that fisting is some fringe act that nobody wants to see is pretty silly. You honestly think people and sites are showcasing something that nobody wants to see? So they’re all doing it and making no money? In this porn economy? That makes sense. There are plenty of things in porn that don’t speak to me. But it’s not my business to condemn people for whatever floats their boat. Sure, I might discuss my issues with said act, but I’m not going to make judgement calls.

And to be clear, WayBig didn’t even post pics of a “gaping, nasty prolapsed hole.” A poster did that. So for you to act so scandalized that WB would feature this is a bit much.

Globe Trotter says:

“To say that fisting is some fringe act that nobody wants to see is pretty silly.”

It’s exactly this type of relativism that has paved the way for imbeciles in high places, for in 21st century America, everyone has their own truth and every practice is equally valid. There are no longer any boundaries, just equally valid “lifestyles”. And any attempt to point out that emperor has no clothes is met with accusations of prejudice and narrow-mindedness.

If you can’t discern the difference between spitting, rimming, bareback sex (in the age of PreP) and the abhorrent act of fisting, then you have no common sense.

Scrapple says:

Saying “This is not a sex act I choose to engage in, but if other people want to do it that’s on them” is in fact a boundary. If you can’t discern the difference between allowing for people to choose their own risky behaviors and condemning people for choosing risky behaviors you don’t engage in, then you’re a fucking moron.

You’re on a gay porn blog getting enraged because a man is putting part of his fist in another man’s ass. But you’re not the least bit bothered that two men are engaging in bareback sex during a fucking pandemic. Last time I checked, PreP wasn’t a cure-all for STIs. So you can take your hypocritical, fake Puritanical bullshit and shove it up your ass. An ass which I’m sure has congealed many a load in its day even before PreP was a thing. What a stranger does with their body has fuck all to do with you. Asshole.

Globe Trotter says:

“If you can’t discern the difference between allowing for people to choose their own risky behaviors and condemning people for choosing risky behaviors you don’t engage in, then you’re a fucking moron.”

Now when or where did I condemn anyone for the risky behavior of their choice? I distinctly said:

“Most people do not share your love for a lack of boundaries and most people do not want to see graphic details of someone’s bowels turned inside out. If that’s your thing, more power to you, but please do so on your own site with like-minded individuals.”

I did not condemn the individual, I condemned an activity which everyone with an ounce of common sense knows to be highly dangerous and harmful to the body. Your analogy to bareback sex is innovative but deeply flawed – most porn stars are either HIV positive or take an HIV-prophylaxis.

From your emotional outburst it is clear that you joined this conversation with one goal in mind: to find someone on whom to project your own deep-seated unhappiness and insecurities. Only problem is, by failing to carefully read and understand what I posted, you’ve misidentified me as the target of your discontent. May I suggest you start with the man in the mirror?

Scrapple says:

Saying something is abhorrent is a condemnation. You’ve repeatedly made condescending comments on threads when people don’t agree with your thoughts. You assume that just because someone doesn’t agree with you, they lack wisdom, or life experience, or age. Instead of saying “This isn’t my thing” you’re trying to pass it off as some degenerate conspiracy. You’re treating fisting the same way plenty of people in this country view sodomy. You want the sex you engage in to be considered acceptable, but you’re not willing to do the same for the sex other people engage in. You are a hypocrite, you’re ignorant and your pompous, judgmental attitude on a gay porn blog of all places is the most asinine thing ever. Please excuse me. I have to get back to ignoring your bloated bullshit.

Globe Trotter says:

“Saying something is abhorrent is a condemnation.”

I think you’re missing the finer points of critical thinking. At no time have I ever condemned any individual, ever! I subscribe to the school of thought that teaches us to criticize a person’s behavior, but never the person. Since it’s impossible for me to walk a day in your shoes, I can’t very well say what motivates you, however as an intelligent person I am allowed and will continue to call out destructive behavior. Saying something is abhorrent is calling attention to the consequence of a particular behavior. It says nothing whatsoever about the person indulging in that behavior or what motivates a person to indulge in that behavior. It might do you good to reflect on this little gem of wisdom before putting self-imagined words into my mouth.

“Please excuse me. I have to get back to ignoring your bloated bullshit.”

…yet wherever I turn, you’re always there. Methinks you doth protest too hard…

nameless9004 says:

Jezuz Christ if this is how you really feel why did you even click on this article? Begone.

Globe Trotter says:

You see, that’s one of the perks of living in a free country. If this is how you really feel, why even read or comment on my post?


Maybe you should first take your own advice before dishing it out to others.

nameless9004 says:

Because this is a video that caters to my interest, and obviously not yours. It’s like inviting yourself to a party and assuming your welcome to do so because “It’s a free country”. What kind of argument even is that dude.

Globe Trotter says:

I think I’ve already addressed this argument above:

“…most people do not want to see graphic details of someone’s bowels turned inside out. If that’s your thing, more power to you, but please do so on your own site with like-minded individuals.”

Fisting is a very risky and dangerous activity that most people are simply not interested in seeing or discussing. I’m sure you don’t have to be explained the reason why. That’s why there exists websites that cater specifically to people who enjoy this activity. That however, does not describe the vast majority of gay men.

And I’m sorry, but this is NOT the same as some harmless fetish, or as someone above tried to argue, the same as bareback sex. It’s also not some harmless alternative lifestyle and it’s also not some moral equivalent to homosexuality or anal sex, so what’s the big deal.

We’ve been so bullied by political correctness and relativism that many people are simply no longer able to distinguish between the harmless and the harmful, because in 2020 everything is now equal and everyone has their own truth which is equal to everyone else’s truth. Woe to anyone that points out the fallacy of this logic, then YOU’re the one who’s being intolerant and YOU’re the one being judgmental.

I don’t condemn anyone for the activity they do, but certain activities are so obviously dangerous by any measure of common sense that they are found to be abhorrent and just gross. Now everyone has a right to do what makes them happy (as long as they don’t hurt another person), but not everyone wants to see the insides of another person’s bowels. So do so on a fisting site – that’s hardly an unreasonable solution.

nameless9004 says:

Why do you assume you can speak for the “majority” of gay men? Is there a poll you are referencing or …any data at all? We keep responding to you because you make these absolute statements without any basis.

“…but certain activities are so obviously dangerous by any measure of common sense that they are found to be abhorrent and just gross.”

You keep playing this off as if you are just using ‘common sense’ but abhorrent and gross are the adjectives you use. This is an emotional response based simply on your feelings. Please stop pretending that you are the vanguard of science or logic.

Look, fisting is like rock climbing; when you follow the rules it’s awesome and if you don’t it can be dangerous. Just like anal sex. Do you know how many blowjob related injuries there are? Political correctness has nothing to do with this, it’s called life and understanding that your perception is not everyone’s reality. Fisting doesn’t make you loose if done correctly, fisting doesn’t land you in diapers if done correctly, fisting is enjoyed by more people than you assume. You are not a victim of some offense, you are not being bullied, and woe is not you.

Maybe science journals would convince you (a curious lack of them for the public health threat you claim this to be), but let’s be real, the enemy is in your head. Maybe make more friends who don’t share the same bias as you. You don’t have to like fisting, but you need to be more respectful. I’ve done my charity work here. Have a wonderful spring.

Globe Trotter says:

I wish it were as you described! Look, I was really keen not to drag my private life into this discussion, but as a physician I have first hand knowledge of the dangers of fisting. Years ago during my residency we had a patient presenting with rectal bleeding following manual anal intercourse (fisting). The patient, a German guy in his 40’s, flew to the US for a fisting party he attended about 24 hours prior to his visit to the emergency room by ambulance. Turns out he had a 2-cm bowel perforation and was slipping in and out of consciousness.

A short background: the gastrointestinal tract is home to trillions of bacteria whose job it is to aid in food digestion. Besides this they’re also believed to play a vital role in weight control, mental health, immune response, etc., but no one’s really sure to what extent as only a fraction of these microorganisms are fully understood. We wouldn’t survive a minute without this microbiota provided they stay in the intestines where they belong. Should they find their way into the bloodstream however, say for example through a tear in the wall of the colon, then they’ll make you wish you were never born!

This is precisely what happened to our German patient. Hours after being admitted he started exhibiting signs of sepsis, slipped out of consciousness and turned blue. He was taken to surgery and placed for a few days in ICU and administered several rounds of antibiotic agents. Last I heard he was suffering from chronic diarrhea, not because of any anatomical damage to his colon, but as a result of antibiotics he was administered that caused a permanent change in the makeup of his intestinal microbiota.

You asked for medical journals, well here is the most comprehensive medical study of fisting that I’m aware of:

https :// / ycsv6ft7
(please remove spaces since WayBig doesn’t allow the full use of html links)

I’d advise anyone who indulges in this activity to take the time to carefully read through this journal publication. The following excerpts are particularly informative:

4.1 (page 61)
Frequency of fisting practice among general population – 3% to 8%

4.2 (page 61)
Fisting trauma most commonly involves external genitalia(fossa navicularis, labia minora, posterior fourchette, anus, hymen,perineum) and internal genitalia (vagina and cervix). However,major injuries including rectal perforation, injuries to organs suchas the bladder, the liver and the spleen, as well as upper vaginal injuries leading to hemoperitoneum (internal bleeding in the abdomen) and/or pneumoperitoneum,have also been reported.

hemoperitoneum = internal bleeding in the abdomen
pneumoperitoneum = leakage of air into the abdomen as a result of perforation

4.2 (page 62)
The greatest medical danger associated to anal fisting involvesthe injury of the fragile inner walls of the lower colon. When colon perforation takes place, severe hemorrhage, fecal contamination of the abdominal cavity and possible subsequent peritonitis occur. Intra-abdominal hemorrhage and stercoral peritonitis have a highmortality rate if not promptly treated.

I’ve read one or two commentaries by doctors who try to minimize the dangers of fisting by equating it to anal sex. This is a flawed analogy and such medical practitioners are disingenuous in their roles as scientists and healers. The frequency of patients who die or seek help after having anal sex pales in comparison to the number who do so after practicing manual anal intercourse. There simply is no comparison and any attempt to make moral equivalences between anal sex and fisting should be flat out rejected.

“You don’t have to like fisting, but you need to be more respectful.”

That’s where you’re deeply mistaken, for no one is obliged to be respectful of any obviously dangerous activity!!! I respect the right of others to indulge in dangerous activities, but that in no way changes the nature of the activity in question. In short, I firmly reject all manner of political correctness and relativism!

nameless9004 says:

Jezuz Christ if this is how you really feel why did you even click on this article? Begone.

ArgleBjargle says:

Great. Now when ever I see a picture of Devin, I’m not going to see the handsome man anymore, just a big,gaping asshole that looks like a gaping wound. Sexy (retch). I wonder at what point the sphincter muscles just say “enough!” and refuse to work any more. Oh well, there are those diaper-fetish viewers, I suppose.

Kanaka says:

Look @andrew I don’t have a beef with you. Your posts usually read like a reviewer…i. e. “He took it like a great bottom. Get it so and so”. But your disdain for beards, tatts and yes, fisting or anything you find unpleasant in your wheel house is frankly irritating. But I let you post without comment. Example: you continually say that fisting destroys the sphincter. It does not. The rectum and the sphincter are pliable and can inhabit large objects like a fist and can go back to it’s normal working size. And yes, one should give it a rest after a workout. I should know. I’ve fisted enough men to see that no damage was done. They were still a tight fuck later. So you can have your preferences @andrew but stop with the fetish shaming. Don’t be like @bjoerk or @stevienowonder. Even if you’re not a fan of a sexual practice, at least give them their ownership of their choice.

Globe Trotter says:

Eeww, I think I just vomited in my mouth! I’ll never be able to watch another Devin Franco video ever again.