Stag Collective: Blake Wilder Fucks Max Lorde in ‘Blake’s First Time’

Blake Wilder Fucks Max Lorde at Stag Collective

Blake Wilder Fucks Max Lorde at Stag Collective
Blake Wilder Fucks Max Lorde at Stag Collective

Blake Wilder Fucks Max Lorde in ‘Blake’s First Time’ at StagCollective:

Max Lorde breaks-in newcomer Blake Wilder for Blake’s First Time.

Watch as Blake Wilder Fucks Max Lorde at StagCollective

Watch as Blake Wilder Fucks Max Lorde at StagCollective

Kanaka says:

Max is a good first partner for this dude.

DeeGee says:

Yup. The cock is gorgeous. Blake needs to mellow it over to skater dude and away from band geek.

Scrapple says:

Blake looks cuter without the facial hair. First time though? With those nails and that jewelry? If you say so.

MisterB says:

POOR BJERK! What “lot of effort” did it cost Blake? Looks like Blake stayed REALLY hard and went right to it. Try actually looking at the trailer of the films you choose to judge. Also, because you know so little about Gay porn I feel I should remind you that this is not a documentary following a man’s first time having sex with a man. This is a FANTASY in which a man is having sex with a man for the first time. With fantasies you take everything with a grain of salt. For example, it is unlikely that Blake’s name is really Blake.