Fuckermate: Hot Bllack Fucks Ricky Hard in ‘Black On White’

Black On White (Hot Bllack Fucks Ricky Hard) at Fuckermate

Black On White (Hot Bllack Fucks Ricky Hard) at Fuckermate
Black On White (Hot Bllack Fucks Ricky Hard) at Fuckermate

Hot Bllack Fucks Ricky Hard in ‘Black On White’ at Fuckermate:

Two new faces, Hot Bllack and Ricky Hard [JustFor.Fans: xrickyhardx], make their debut with Fuckermate this week and they end up spending and enjoying a long session of hard bareback sex.

Hot Bllack, whose real name is Alex, comes from Northern Brazil and is a gorgeous exotic mate well endowed with a juicy black cock on which our second first-timer Ricky Hard from Portugal works.

Ricky Hard brings out all his best sucking and fucking skills. The proper reward for him could not be nothing less than a mouth milked with a healthy load of white-hot cum!

Watch as Hot Bllack Fucks Ricky Hard at Fuckermate

Watch as Hot Bllack Fucks Ricky Hard at Fuckermate

Reilly9 says:

That name (“Hot Bllack”) is so cringe

Fummer43 says:

That’s not his real name?

markjohnson22 says:


moondoggy says:

I assumed it was a typo until I saw that there was a tag under the title. And so my next thought was, “Oh jesus.” Once I realized that Lucas Entertainment was never going to deliver an unedited cumshot from its tops, I tuned them out, so both of these guys were actually unknown to me. As a result, the little enjoyment that I derived from that name was to entertain the brief fantasy that Hot Bllack was actually the bottom pulling a Rachel Dolezal (or possibly a Marco Paris).


DTG says:

Kudo to both guys having pubes…it’s a shame I have to even point that out now…

JB says:

What kinds of names are “Hot Bllack” and “Ricky Hard”? It’s like “Hot fucks Hard”.

Fummer43 says:

I believe they are Dutch names.

JJG says:

Can we actually have baseline of standards for porn star names please? Because this is just fucking ridiculous. What kind of studio even allows a name that fucking dumb? Smh Jesus christ.

Fummer43 says:

Was Dick Wrangler any less ridiculous?

jinger says:

Porn names are just handles nowadays, not important. They’re two attractive guys 👅