Christmas Cum Control

Christmas Cum Control at

Christmas Cum Control at
Christmas Cum Control at

Reno Gold’s Christmas Cum Control at

Reno Gold: “Christmas came early but I want to edge you and see how long you last. Teasing you with my muscles and glistening body I give you jerk-off instructions. I help you build up a huge load before we shoot them together.”

Watch Reno Gold at

Watch Reno Gold at

moondoggy says:

I’m not going to act like he doesn’t have a nice body, but if this is all he’s going to do, then this is useless. I wish there were a block feature for companies. It would be so nice to come here and not be annoyed by these half-assed studios.

joback says:

He’s honestly so… mediocre.

sasuk388 says:

hes so cute. but is anyone buy this bait he keeps selling ?

Cubankid says:

Stuff like this shouldn’t fly in 2021.

Alann6 says:

Not interested unless he actually has sex with another hot guy.

Still wondering if you’ll ever get the chance to see Reno top a twink? 😏
Or it’s your Xmas wish? 😛

Kanaka says:


ArgleBjargle says:

Zzzzzzzz Zzzzzzz Zzzzzzzz

Curlee says:

I would rather receive a lump of coal in my stocking.

C3xxx says:

Tired and recycled

Scrapple says:

Stop promoting bullshit.

versuader says:

For me, this was special for 5 minutes, two years ago. Now it’s old. But kudos to him, he does manage himself well and makes big $$$ doing it.