DickDorm: Work Out

Work Out at DickDorm.com

Work Out at DickDorm.com

Work Out at DickDorm.com

Work Out at DickDorm.com

Work Out at DickDorm.com

Work Out at DickDorm.com

Watch Work Out at DickDorm.com

In this latest submission we have something that I can relate very well. Two buddies are struggling in college, like everybody else with money, so what to do but to submit a video to us for some cash. Lucky for them, they have a friend that always acts gay but never says he is. One night hanging out in the dorm room, they find some pretty hardcore gay website in his computer. Needless to say he got caught big time, but not to worry, they wont say anything to anybody unless he does a video with them. Right about now you are probably asking yourself why would anybody wants to do a gay video. Money, that’s why. This crazy dudes agree to make a video and they would keep their mouth shuts, sort of speak. Can you guess what happens next. Gotta love college…

Watch Work Out at DickDorm.com

AaronJL says:

Looks hot. But my expectations are low because I think this is one more of the Out In Public/Unholy Gloryhole/It’s Gonna Hurt/Haze Him sites.

At least there’s no sign of fish in this one.

Lame writeup as usual.

AaronJL says:

On a side note, these guys need a photography class. Amateur is one thing. Out of focus sloppy is another.

FeydRautha says:

I don’t think these guys are affiliated with those Out In Public, et al. Haze Him kinda has this genre covered for them. While there’s no sign of “fish” in this particular scene, this site is known to have girls in the videos. I also have a feeling many of these “models” are genuinely straight; there’s limp dick everywhere and the one guy in this one is watching straight porn on a laptop. Maybe it’s a ruse? Gay guy watches straight porn, goes limp, giving the impression he’s straight? I’m probably giving them too much credit; they’d never be that clever. In any case, it isn’t helping matters… the scenes are invariably poorly done, sloppy, as you say.

Riley says:

HOT to me,but as Aaron JL said sloppy photography work. A trained chimp could have shot better camera work than this.
The guys are looking HOT in this One Though!!! Me Likey!!

Riley says:

Why is he holding the football? To prove he’s *straight*.

AaronJL says:

:) Riley

I’m holding a basketball. (Don’t have a football). I’m still crooked.

FINALLY made Mate laugh today (not a good day for him).

Established One says:

I’m not feeling this. I’ll pass.

moondoggy says:

The guy in the sunglasses gets me hard. Kind of a Peter Facinelli type, and if he’s trying to hide his identity with the eyewear, that’s actually a much sexier way to do it than asking to be cropped out or wearing a mask. I agree with everything AaronJL said, but somehow I can’t shake that one guy.

FeydRautha says:

Peter Facinelli?! You’re dating yourself… he hasn’t been heartthrob material since the mid-90’s! :D

The sunglasses, the baseball cap, the bicep curls, the sneer, the cloying “straight guy machismo”… all very off-putting to me. And to watch straight porn while some dude’s sucking your dick? Just plain insulting. But I guess some people are into that sort of thing…

Orion Hunter says:

FeydRautha wrote: “The sunglasses, the baseball cap, the bicep curls, the sneer, the cloying “straight guy machismo”… all very off-putting to me. And to watch straight porn while some dude’s sucking your dick? Just plain insulting. But I guess some people are into that sort of thing…”

A very astute and nicely turned observation.