Apollo at CircleJerkBoys

Apollo  at Circle Jerk Boys
Apollo  at Circle Jerk Boys

This 6-foot 3-inch slab of rippling muscle is just so damn hot, it almost hurts to look at him without turning into a mass of quivering jelly that wants to do nothing more than lick every inch of this smoldering Adonis.

More than just etched, this six-pack is carved from pure lean muscle and flanked by a set of angel wings obloquies that could have only come from heaven. His shoulders are broad and back flares wide in a “V” shape so wide that it almost seems exaggerated. This all somehow balances out over a tight and rounded ass with a dark, sexy trail of hair that disappears.

He doesn’t just look into the camera, he seems to invite you in, winking, smiling and flashing with delight that pierced tongue before slapping his cock against those solid abs with a symphonically loud “thwack” that echoed like the sounds of war drums before rolling over, and fucking the mattress. His perfect ass tightening with each thrust until even Apollo could hold back no more and treated us all to a birds eye view of Mount Eruptus!

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