MilitaryClassified: Jeremiah

Jeremiah at MilitaryClassified
Jeremiah at MilitaryClassified
Jeremiah at MilitaryClassified
Jeremiah at MilitaryClassified
Jeremiah at MilitaryClassified

Watch Jeremiah at MilitaryClassified

Rob of MilitaryClassified writes:

Jeremiah was a little stud I met through a friend who transplanted himself from back east. A southern boy, this straight Marine was very polite and a complete gentleman… until he gets fucked up, then he becomes the horniest mother fucker you’d ever meet. He would come up and hang out with a bunch of his friends at my place until one nite he came up to me and said “dude, you wanna suck my dick on tape?” I almost dropped dead in amazement and said “YES!” He was a little nervous about showing his face so we put on some camo paint and I think the video is even hotter this way!