SeanCody: Wesley

Wesley at SeanCody
Wesley at SeanCody
Wesley at SeanCody
Wesley at SeanCody
Wesley at SeanCody

Wesley at SeanCody
Wesley at SeanCody
Wesley at SeanCody
Wesley at SeanCody

Watch Wesley at

Wesley is a young professional who works for a Fortune 500 company. He drives a Lexus convertible and owns his own home.

He has a girlfriend, but says he’s bisexual. He admits that he has had hookups with guys before. Whichever way he swings, one thing is certain – his dick is ALWAYS hard and it shoots big loads!

NC says:

Would look okay if he had eyebrows. I never understood why guys tweaze THIS much. I tweaze but just enough so it still looks natural…not plucked into oblivion.

ty says:

yum he is gorgeous. i would love to see a threesome between him, harley and boyce

don says:

Inriguing. I wonder where Sean Cody will take him. As for that threesome with Harley and Boyce, I would be able to tell where Boyce would be (probably at the bottom), but Harley and Wesley would be harder to differentiate. Their names rhyme as it is!

Thad says:

I’d love to see that boxer guy Sean had on his site about 3 weeks back hook up with this guy….they both seem to have cum-filled balls and lack no thickness…wow!

boyman says:

I think his eyebrows are not overplucked as NC thinks they are…

Gant says:

I know this solo was posted 9 years ago, but for me, this is the best Sean Cody solo ever among all the solo videos the site has ever produced. The best part of this solo is the 2nd part, which is not shown in any screenshots here. It shows how we can appreciate male nudity standing up with the BONER hands free.