PerfectGuyz: Stone

Stone at PerfectGuyz
Stone at PerfectGuyz
Stone at PerfectGuyz
Stone at PerfectGuyz
Stone at PerfectGuyz
Stone at PerfectGuyz
Stone at PerfectGuyz

Watch Stone at PerfectGuyz

PG wrote:

Introducing PerfectGuyz Stone – one of the hottest young studs ever to grace the PerfectGuyz silver screen. Stone has the charm, charisma, and sex appeal of Casanova. He’s the strong, silent type with an intricate personality. Indeed, his character is revealed in his facial expressions – from a cute kid with a million dollar smile to a rebel with a villainous stare.

He stands 5’8″, blond hair, rapacious blue eyes, and the body of an all-around athlete – lean but muscular. Stone’s killer body is complemented with a beautiful, tight ass, and an eight-inch cut tool that he proudly displays. As our exclusive, you’ll be seeing a lot more of this heartthrob.

Josh says:

Holy hell! He is HOT HOT HOT!!!