ChaosMen: Ryland

Ryland to ChaosMen
Ryland to ChaosMen
Ryland to ChaosMen
Ryland to ChaosMen

Ryland to ChaosMen
Ryland to ChaosMen
Ryland to ChaosMen

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Bryan of Chaosmen wrote:

Ryland is so dang cute! He’s got that smirky, irrepressible attitude, yet is friendly and gregarious and fun to be around.

Ryland’s got a buddy with big ol’ 9-inch dick (yeah..he will be here soon too), and he seemed like he was worried he wouldn’t stack up to his friends..uh..talent.

Somewhat embarrassed, he said, “I swear I am grower” while yanking on his dick. Then his dick just kept getting longer and longer and longer! And all that foreskin!

I love his tight little body and I am hoping maybe I can get him to come back for more. He travels a lot so it might be tough, but I am definitely gonna pursue this hot guy.