UKNakedMen: Carlo Cox

Carlo Cox at UKNakedMen
Carlo Cox at UKNakedMen
Carlo Cox at UKNakedMen

Carlo Cox at UKNakedMen
Carlo Cox at UKNakedMen
Carlo Cox at UKNakedMen

This site is almost all about uncut amateurs, but it’s also about breaking some rules, so when we had the chance to photograph professional porn star Carlo Cox, we of course grabbed it with both hands. I felt a little intimidated at first, but Carlo put me at ease, then came the famous charm and animal heat and before I knew it I was feeling more unprofessional than ever. I tell you, I almost grabbed him with both hands. Carlo Cox has made me a fan of the hairy daddy and I want more.


Edison says:

He is great!

Rick d says:

His dick is damn near perfect, and so suckable.