JakeCruise: David Taylor Fucks Jake (Bareback)

David Taylor Fucks Jake (Bareback) at Jake Cruise

David Taylor Fucks Jake (Bareback) at Jake Cruise

David Taylor Fucks Jake (Bareback) at Jake Cruise

David Taylor Fucks Jake (Bareback) at Jake Cruise

David Taylor Fucks Jake (Bareback) at Jake Cruise

Watch David & Jake at JakeCruise.com

Jake wrote:

He’s tall, he’s confident and he’s got an athletic build that’s bigger than a swimmer, but not quite a gym rat – and man, is he a good kisser! Did I mention cute, funny and hung? Oh yeah, and he’s a great cock sucker. David Taylor is the very model of a perfect porn star. Needless to say, it’s a personal thrill when David fucks me, bareback! Like all things sex-related, David’s good at it — real good. So good he helps me shoot in his words, “a big fat load.” I can hardly wait for a rematch.

pubert says:

God damn I wish someone would pull this site! Jake’s getting so flabby that it looks like he skin is falling off, and the guys who fuck him bareback deserve to be castrated.

What a fucking disgrace.

wave the red cape says:

Fuck the haters. That was perfection!

Reddie says:

Looks like Jake has shed a few pounds. He needs to tone-up. Unfortunatley, time is not on his side. Enjoy it while it lasts, Jake; even if you have to pay for it.

StoneMacon says:

Off topic but…

this site knows that black as well as asian men are beautiful/sexy/hot too right?

I’m just saying.

iVan says:

Dexter is an absolutely gorgeous black man that has been featured on this site and Kai is a hot little asian number too. So, I would say this site has featured many types of beautiful gay men. Unfortunately, Jake is not one of them. I wonder who subscribes to this because, although the models are hot, Jake’s constant presence prevents me from spending one dime on this site.

Prince says:

Make it stop!

StoneMacon says:

Hey iVan. Not to get on your case but guys like Dexter and Kai come around once in a blue moon on this site. (as well as queerclick and tons of gaypornblogs) Its cool that Dexter and Kai has been featured here but in terms of presenting a ethnic variety, i give nearly every gay porn blog an F+. I’m not saying that a quota system should be set up, I’m just pointing out the obvious: Black and Asian men are beautiful too. Thats all.

Luke says:

I heard Jake was on the Jenny Craig Diet…..

ryan says:

I just hate when models look at the camera, I feel it is so staged.

95u6 says:

^^^ That’s because it IS staged. :/

Howard says:

Yeah…I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see this.

jong says:

Seriously, who finds this hot or erotic? It’s just so damn gross and depressing. Hot guys who foolishly agree to have unsafe sex with that hold fat queen for money? Can’t Falcon or other companies afford them so that they can at least have sex with hot men instead of that flabby disgusting queen Jake? TURN OFF!

Josh says:


And I actually thought “David Taylor” was kind of hot. Not anymore. :( His image will forever be linked with Jake’s nasty ass. Ugh.

jboy says:

Does everyone really have to trash Jake over and over again. After all, it IS his site and you know he’s going to be in most of the vids. Duh. Change the channel. He looks at the camera like that because he’s saying “Look what I got and you don’t get any”. David is hot and he seems to like it.

iVan says:

StoneMacon, we agree that Black and Asian men are hot! Speaking specifically as a Black man myself, I wish there was more ethnic diversity but I’m encouraged because these sites, gay porn, seem to present minorities when I least expect them. So, the question that must be asked is, are minorities auditioning for these roles in droves? Do they have the same build as typical as the models typical of the particular site? My inclination is that because we represent a small percentage of the population, we are equally relegated to a small percentage of porn roles. That being said, I do think that sites that make the “boy-next-door” their type exclude many minorities simply because they are minorities. But this is not the place for a dissertation, so I’ll quit now.

Canuck says:

If Jake continues to go bareback perhaps we’ll finally be rid of him (in time.) He must be a walking STD. He needs to stay behind the camera. Who pays to watch him???

Scotts says:

DAVID TAYLOR!!!!! Score…he’s freakin hot as hell!

Trav says:

OK SOMEBODY BEtter have an insider news on this. I believe he pays his models 15,000$ for such session? No?

Was he forced contractually or blindly signed a contract that involved this? Just gross. I am so sorry. He could have used Falcon or some place nicer.

I AM SORRY JAKE. I am almost OK that you are old and shit, but YOU ARE A WALKING DISEASE!


Garrett says:

(1) David is a very attractive guy.

(2) David ruined that attractiveness with those hideous tattoos.

(3) Jake seems to be trying to slim down, so now it’s time to do a little toning.

(4) I do not like the unsafe sex quotient, but perhaps Jake figures that at his age, so what if he gets H.I.V. Although, I do think he screens his models carefully and has health certificates examined.

(5) Yes, it is Jake’s site, and although there are certainly much better-looking 50ish men out there, he’s obviously offering something people on the Internet want.

(6) The gay porn actors with whom he partners receive a very nice paycheck, and nobody ever said gay porn people have the same standards as the rest of us.

Yancey says:

It’s just not hot. And Garrett, I think Jake is more 60-65ish than 50. Plus he’s had a very bad facelift. He’s just a train wreck. I don’t fault the old geezer for wanting to have sex with young men, but I’ll be damned if I’d put it on the fucking internet. Lord Lord Lord.

zhlover says:

I hate David’s new hairdo!!!

derrick says:

thanks jake you have cured my premature ejaculation i think of you when i am going to cum but i f i think about you too much i loose my wood its early days i have to get to right balance
these strange pictures remind me of magazines i once saw in in europe people having sex with animals
but a mule i guess is far more cute than old jake
am not asking one who has just had lunch to look at but if your unwise to have a close look
at his cherry its kind of blue i think he has a heart condition or bad circulation this is common in the extreme elderly according to medical journal

Fazz says:

I would Love to see David Taylor on ChaosMen, there at least we could see some doing him, who might be older, but in my opinion a lot hotter than this bald fat FAG.

danny101 says:

we should do something about this…the guys are hot but jake is ruining all this

brad says:

Jake has one hell of a monstrous ego. Goddamn. To be that fucking ugly and still insist on inflicting his fat nasty ass on the world. He must pay well because he sure lures some hot guys into his skanky web.

Billy says:

It does look silly when models look directly at the camera in every shot, but David’s other option was to look at Jake.

fred says:

So, Jake is not the best looking, but where willu be one day????? The model is HOT, tatoos or not, and MOST of you guys could only dream of getting fucked by someone as hot he is.

Ladies pull in your claws. But for all you complaining, you sure as hell always comment. If he disgusts you so much, dont read his postings.

MM says:

this is so sick. why waste my time on a furry turd who enjoys spreading diseases to retarded crack (tongue in cheek)addicted screwballs.jc isn’t my cup of cum but hey if these freaks want him I say more power to him.jc you make my day enjoyable. now I shall go celebrate obama’s win and your bareback by blowing my brains out and washing my eyes out with bleach.
ta da.

james says:

i can’t resist adding my voice to the others here. whoever pays to see this is either truly retarded or fantastically empathising with that monstrous old lecher. his bitches are a totally subhuman variety of prostitute, and i would rather never fuck again than fuck with him. how could you ever get it up? sickos.

MaryRin says:

You in HELL would pay for this? Does JakeCruise give WayBig a kickback to feature him here? He is HORRIBLE!!!
And all you people who say “you’ll look like that one day”…NO I WON’T

JG78 says:

Jesus! Get that nasty man off the web! What is up with promoting barebacking??? Jake is a gross excuse for a person – there is nothing attractive or redeeming about him. Just. Plain. Gross.

brandon says:

lol I don’t like Jake but I hope that the first poster isn’t serious. Castrate them my goodness that’s harsh. Even though I click on this to laugh at the comments and hopefully see a jakeless pic it is bad that we are so cruel.

jay says:

Hey david if u ever get to readthis I’m like about a bit younger than u and if u ever get ur own tell me ok cuz I want u so bad ur so damn fucking hot and so is jake he rocks

Mike says:

Oh, cool! The old guy’s fucking that washed-up teenage actor guy from Days of our Lives!

Rik says:

David is hot—but what was he thinking?

mountii says:

that poor hunk is being molested by a old queen lol

stmartin says:

This is not porn…this is the common film of a prostitute and the fat queen with money.(sorry but at least prostitutes do not kiss)
Porn is supposed to turn you on…this is 100% disgusting.
Man, I pay to see good staff but now it seems like we would pay so we do not see this sh*t!!
I am sorry for you David…you could have been a huge star but for sure you are loosing tons of fans.

nick says:

come on guys – don’t be so egative about it. I love does young guy bare-fucking a not not so perfect older queen….