UKNakedMen: Carioca

Carioca at UKNakedMen

Carioca at UKNakedMen

Carioca at UKNakedMen

Carioca looks good anywhere, but put him in a room full of mirrors and the light bounces off his rippling muscles making this stud glow. Here’s a man who radiates sexual energy and reflecting it back at him just increases the effect. As he flexes and turns I can feel his heat… his rock-hard cock is jutting out at me – then he turns on his magnificent smile… If things get any more charged I think I’ll explode.


Riley says:

He’s HOT Time to pack the bags and head o UK for a nice sexual romp with my boi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;9

Get'Em says:

Fuckkkkkk! If I send a ticket to the UK will he cum to my house? I promise to make him happy, very fucking happy. When a guy like that gets to do whatever he wants he is usually very happy. He is fucking gorgeous.

jay says:

Of all the men deemed hot on this website, he is one who truly deserves the title.

I love Carioca.

thisboy408 says:

sexy face. hot body. beautiful pits. nice pubic hair. gorgeous dick. uncut. he’s got it all.

Garrett says:

Glorious body. Too bad about the unattractive face.

C. Howett Fields says:

There is nothing better than a brown skinned, well built, big dicked mother fucker pounding your hole while he sucks your tongue down his throat.

DPN says:

If Joe Simmons had to be “reborn”, I would hope he’d come back as Carioca. Hmmm…come to think of it, maybe he did! :-p