SeanCody: Sam

Sam at SeanCody

Sam at SeanCody

Sam at SeanCody

Sam at SeanCody

Sam at SeanCody

Watch Sam at

Sean wrote:

“Would you have sex on the first date?”

“No,” Sam replied. “I would definitely wait.”

He’s 34 and he told us he was pretty wild in his twenties.

“Did all that,” he said. “Now I know what I want and I’m ready to settle down.”

Sam spends a lot of time in the gym and was a full-time fitness model at one point.

“I used to be a model in New York,” he said. “For about three years.”

He speaks fondly of the experience, but said it was “too fun.”

“You can definitely get into trouble,” he said. “I’m glad I got it out of my system!”

Sam’s got a hot body and beautiful, crystal blue eyes!

Worth Your While says:

Another winner from Sean Cody… I can’t seem to remember who he reminds me of!

Established One says:

For a guy that is 34, he is hot. I wonder if this is the last we will see of him at Sean Cody. I say YES.

Dan says:

“For a guy that is 34, he is hot”

I know right? Cuz there’s no such thing as a hot 34 year old in real life. 34 is NOT old people and most gay guys I know who are in their mid 30’s take care of themselves much more than straight guys and they all look like they’re 26. These retarded statements will always pop up from time to time because most gay boys who subscribe to these porn sites like Sean Cody also subscribe to the ridiculous agist agenda that perpetuates the notion that anything over 25 is old.

And to LA Clergy, MANY younger guys will jump at the chance of being paired to this guy cuz he still looks good and it would not be weird. If he looked like that older, fatter and more wrinkled Jake from the other site then it would be weird but this guy looks really good and you would be in the minority in thinking that it would look weird.

Redboy says:

Yeah, at 34 most guys are wearing adult diapers and getting their lunch from Meals on Wheels.

Samfan says:

This Superstud that calls himself Sam his real name is David Morin and he made this video atleast 2 years ago and he looks fat back then compared to now…He is even more amazing …this is link to his facebook…youll want to see more

rojo says:

Now THAT is what I call a MAN !
He is absolutely beautiful ! Those eyes are incredible.

Urs Jans says:

Too old for SeanCody site. Frankly I think he’s older than 34.

elmtree says:

So where is it written there is an age limit on hotness?? Sam is damn hot and I love that Sean Cody is mixing it up lately with the age of his models. Would love to see Sam back in action soon, topping or bottoming with one of the “younger” models. HOT!!

LA Clergy says:

I hope Sean Cody would not mix Sam with the other model. The difference of age would make for a weird combination.

BTW Jans was saying that the dude was beyond the age limit but out of the ordinary Sean Cody model group. He is and I think he is older than 34. He looks like someone in his 40s. Awesome bod though. I wish I would look like him now. It doesn’t diminish his hotness being older. However it would be creepy to put them in a sex act.

elmtree says:

Well now that I know your age LA Clergy, your comments make more sense. Maybe if I were 22, I might think Sam was in his 40’s–i doubt it but trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. As far as being “creepy” to pair Sam with other Sean Cody models, are you serious??? You don’t think there are any models to pair him with? Dennis, who at 30 is “younger” and would be a perfect match. If Addison or Barry were still around, they would be perfect. While there are many twink Sean Cody models who may not look great with Sam, there are MANY non-twink models who would look great paired with Sam, including the beautifully built and young Jay.

darkthunder1983 says:

@Urs Jans
Apparently you must didn’t know that Sean Cody looks for models between 18 and 40. Get your eyes checked and stop hating on the man because of his age.

Guy says:

HELLO DADDY!!! Sam maybe a bit older but he has certainly not diminished with age. He looks GREAT! The body is a tad to shaved for my taste though.

xumorann says:

I so want to see him flip-flop with Dennis!

Phoenix says:

34 or not, he’s still very hot.

fitone says:

much hotter than the young skinny twinks usually seen on these sites. some of you kids can only hope to attain this hotness by the time you reach his age.

BrianRatliff says:

I hope he comes back…he has a really nice “butt plug” type of cock…something you don’t see around the locker room. He is definitely a good looking man!

dennis says:

nicely-tanned, ripped body…he’s truly to see him taking a blowjob from another guy.

Josh S says:

I don’t care how old he really is, he’s sexy. I think he’s sexier than most of the younger models Sean Cody has ever had. I’d pick him over most guys, any day of the week.

Fazz says:

I feel bad saying something bad about him, life has hit him hard enough in the face.

Tobias says:

Sometimes I can’t believe what I’m reading? How absurd is this comment from Established One? He writes: “For a guy that is 34, he is hot.”

Are you kidding us with that baloney? What, do you believe that anyone over 21 is ugly or out-of-shape or automatically out of the gay dipping pool? Seriously, are you kidding us with that silliness? How many movie stars and TV stars and pop stars who are 34 do you moon over? I’m sure it’s lots.

Do people like Established One ever think about what they’re writing? Think long and hard before they write? I swear, the education level in this country is tanking. That “34” comment is hilarious and ridiculous.

Age prejudice in the gay community is just so idiotic and pathetic.

LA Clergy says:

Tobias, relax. I am sure when you were as young as Established One you were not into older man either. It is in the process of growing up. If you are 19 or 20 older folks starts at 25. I am 22 and I can totally see his side and yours. Don’t be so inpugnant. Besides it would be very creepy to see older folks getting on with younger fellows, which is the aim of this site.

waybig says:

LA Clery, please speak for yourself. I’m 21 and find older guys more attractive than younger guys almost exclusively. I’m not talking Jake Cruise, but ~40 and below is quite alright. I wouldn’t hesitate to let Sam (or Dennis) hit it.

sketchartist says:

I finally figured it out: These comment-writers are all adolescent straight guys! They must be, because they obviously don’t find ANY man attractive and think anyone who lives past puberty spends the entire majority of their lives being over the hill.

buzzpgh says:

To reply to Tobias and LA Clergy,firstly, “older gay men”have been getting on with younger guys since the year one. Secondly,ageism, alas, has been rampant in the gay community since I’ve been around – and I have been around. Most young gay men think that over 25 is over the hill, and anyone over 30 is ready for the scrap heap. My only reply, to these dear souls is wait until you reach that age.You’ll be whistling another tune.
I’d love to see Sam come back just to look at his magnificent, hot body. Personally, I don’t care if he’s as old as Methusalah. Go, Sam!!!

marti1234 says:

he’s hot i don’t think we will ,lol but love to see him with a guy, get Owen back , he can fuck him and do a daddy/boy thing or a flip flop even :)

Mak says:

I’m enjoying a hearty chuckle over some of these comments. If you think anything over 25 is old…well, I hope you enjoy being old for the majority of your life.

versuader says:

Does it matter how old he is … if he’s hot and you enjoy looking … then great… if not, then shut up an move on!! Many guys in their 30’s and 40’s look better than MANY in their 20’s…

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

I’d like to see the comments on here if there was a hot, black or asian, older guy with tattoos!! Then we’d see the the epitome of ridiculous racist and ageist posts all rolled into one! Laughable Fuckers!!

hewolf says:

OMG he is simply PERFECT!!!
Please Sam, come back! A flip flop with Matt would be nice :D

zhlover says:

him n Dennis better work on each other’s nips real soon! No more robotic sex on sc!!!

Prancer says:

I dont even know why some of you guys are even entertaining these ridiculous ass comments. Hearing shit like over 25 is old does nothing but give me the giggles and nothing more, and exactly how are you so certain that the others on this site that you obsess over are really the age they say they are?

Btw I would challenge you people to look me in the face and tell me you wouldnt do a David Beckham, Jensen Ackles, Tom Welling, Jesse Metcalfe, Jude Law etc. because their all in their 30’s. And this is coming from a guy in his 20’s.

There is not a thing wrong with this guy, and I would kill to look like that in my 30’s, 40’s I really dont give a damn.

phunky says:

Wow what a sexy muscular and handsome guy! Another winner from Sean Cody.

59456615 says:

what a nice body
he seem like 24 no 34,

LA Clergy says:

I still believe that older guys should hang out with older guys and younger folks with younger folks. Sam is great looking at his 40s but much like a museum piece he is great there. He would fit better at “MenOver 30” site.

darkthunder1983 says:

He does NOT need to be on that site.

pubert says:

I don’t care how old he is, his face doesn’t do it for me.

That being said, I also think people should stick to dating in their age range for the most part. There are many levels of maturity regardless of age, but two 40 year olds will have more in common with one another than a 20 year old/40 year old couple. I wouldn’t want to date someone 20 years older than myself or significantly younger. Sex, sure. Date, no.

I grew up watching Transformers and GI Joe cartoons. I saw The Goonies at the movies. It would seem weird dating a guy who grew up watching Spongebob and Rug Rats.

darkthunder1983 says:


Riley says:

Age ain’t nothing but a number for those harping on who should date what age and who belongs on what website do realize that they have to grow OLD one DAY too.
Wasted enough valuable time on stupid AGE TALK. ANYWHO SAM is HOT and TASTY and definitely my TYPE of guy. BUT then again I DO HAVE MANY!!!!! ;)