Numero 1 at Latin Leche

Numero 1 at Latin Leche

Numero 1 at LATIN LECHE:

The night before I shot my first video, I was so nervous I could barely sleep. I woke up early to go out and see who I could talk into filming with me. There were lots of hot boys on the street, but one guy in particular got my attention. He looked like a model. He was on his way to work, but he was friendly and stopped to talk with me. I thought he’d run off when I talked to him about masturbation and sex, but he really thought I was making a documentary. He even agreed to jerk off on camera. He was a little hesitant when it came to do anything more, until I offered him more money than he makes in a week.

Watch Numero 1 at LATIN LECHE

Watch Numero 1 at LATIN LECHE

Sheshi Go says:

The Latin version??😂

McM. says:

From the studio that brought you Molestation Cult and Incest Pedophilia.

tst tst says:

Still improvement from that racist cops site.

tst tst says:

They need a visit from ICE.

El-Seyed says:

They are located in Buenos Aries
Not the Savage Lands (U.S. South & MidWest)

Scrapple says:

Out in Latin Public? He’s literally getting fucked over jugs of water. It’s like a trashy gay porn version of that Stella Artois commercial.