MEN: Teddy Bear Fucks Casey Jacks in ‘Imaginary Boyfriend, Part 1’

Imaginary Boyfriend, Part 1 (Teddy Bear Fucks Casey Jacks) at Str8 To Gay

Imaginary Boyfriend, Part 1 (Teddy Bear Fucks Casey Jacks) at Str8 To Gay

Teddy Bear Fucks Casey Jacks in ‘Imaginary Boyfriend, Part 1’ at MEN:

Teddy Bear lives with his girlfriend and has an imaginary friend, Casey Jacks, that shows up when he needs some man on man time. Only, he’s not imaginary at all but why burst his bubble?

Watch as Teddy Bear Fucks Casey Jacks at MEN

Watch as Teddy Bear Fucks Casey Jacks at MEN

tst tst says:

I adore Casey!

elmtree says:

Ok, who is this hot bodied new guy? Am I turned on or off by the body hair? Why the name Teddy Bear? And why this insane plot? So many question!

One thing I’ll never question is Casey’s hotness!!

tst tst says:

I don’t pay attetion to plots but this one is really silly

The furry top is hot and he’s already shown his versatility. I hope Men won’t cast him in top-only roles.

Young Neil says:

LOL, I just read the description for this scene! Now that is hilarious!

DaveAtom says:

I’m into hairy men, but when that reaches the back, shoulders, etc, normally I’m turned off. But this guy is simply stunning! Super hot, I’ll need more of him to decide better lol

elmtree says:

Omg DaveAtom, your post, word for word, is exactly how I feel!

c_find says:

This is his second scene Teddy was fucked by Jordan Levine

sassy princess says:

I can smell bad BO through the screen.

sam my says:

Teddy Bear ? The name and play off of it, is actually cute.

Scrapple says:

He tried it with that name. And yet, I’m tempted to allow it.

slipperyslope says:

The ghost sex was payback for Katy running her mouth and thinking writers wouldn’t be listening OR have any recourse.

I’m sorry— Did she not see “Shonda Rhimes” on the top of the call sheet? Did she not know Shonda is IN THE MOTHER-FUCKING WRITERS ROOM?!! Talk about close to a psychotic break. LMAO.

Scrapple says:

I have to side with Heigl though, up to that point. Shonda deserved to get dragged for bending over backwards trying to save Isaiah. What he did to TR was beyond wrong, and the coverup that ensued was disturbing. Katherine is the only one who consistently stood up for him and wasn’t going along with the PR bullshit.

Now, how she handled the Knocked Up interview and the Emmy unsub, that was sloppy. Ghost Denny was all about Shonda getting her licks in for that, and for Washington.

slipperyslope says:

I don’t disagree with any of your points, and I suppose it’s possible that Katy is both a cunt AND a friend to the gays. In fact, one probably influences the other, though I’m not sure which comes first, the cunty or the gay… However, I didn’t see her decline as a ‘solidarity’ move- I really feel like she expected them to make it “Izzy’s Anatomy”. IIRC, her Emmy speech (that one time she DID put her name in) was something like, “I really deserve this.” Girl was NOT humble.

But Shonda’s protection of Washington- whether it was for what you think or that she wanted to try and handle it ‘internally’ – was shite. Utter shite.

Scrapple says:

You put cunt and gay in the same sentence. Expect someone to get triggered by that.

I don’t think that Emmy move was about TR at all. I think it was more about her wanting to be an actress. I don’t think she wanted it to be “The Izzie Show.” She wanted the big movies, but she was probably also scared to not have her safety net. As we saw, she needed. She tried to have her cake and eat it too.

Now with Shonda, I fully believe had Patrick been the one slinging slurs at Isaiah, she would’ve dragged his coiffed ass all up and down the ABC backlot. But with Isaiah she turned a blind eye. Dude is hurling slurs and fighting with other costars and you’re allowing that? The only reason she finally had to act was because Washington put his foot in his mouth by denying he used the slur…while using the slur…at an awards show. He was beyond saving at that point, and Shonda knew it.

slipperyslope says:

“You put cunt and gay in the same sentence. Expect someone to get triggered by that.”

Lol… I can handle it. If nothing else, you’ve had some pretty good dustups on these boards so I’ll just cut-and-paste some of your greatest hits. ;)

As for the other point- you’re probably right. Most likely right. OK, you’re right.

Katy’s still a cunt, though.

Scrapple says:

I was very close to dragging someone yesterday for repeatedly trying to get cute with me, but resisted the urge. But let that bitch come at me again and see if I don’t address it.

When someone says I’m right I magically get hard. So thank you. lol

Scrapple says:

You trying to get your slopeslippery. Tactic clocked. LOL

slipperyslope says:

Boy’s gotta try……

Kazu says:

Well, he CAN’T trust Casey: he’s in a sequel next week if I recall correctly, of course with another man… ;)

Scrapple says:

Lol. That’s just Casey’s imaginary husband. He means nothing.

Kazu says:

Ouch, an imaginery boyfriend with an imaginery husband? This is getting twisted… @_@

Scrapple says:

No, it’s getting Men’d.

bob80 says:

For years and years I had no interest in hairy guys… until I tried one, now I can’t get enough. That Teddy bear is so fucking cuddly, I want to pet him all night long.

Jack says:

wait hes imaginary lmaooo how does that shit work? im logging off.

Jean Grey's Anatomy says:

Wow, I never thought I’d find a guy hot with back hair, but Teddy Beard pulls it off.

Scrapple says:

It’s usually not my thing either, but Teddy is making it work.

freater says:

Yet ANOTHER scene where hottie Casey is paired with someone not his level.

TomCNR says:

Kind of a name is Teddy Bear

tysandsnyc says:

Is it me or did he (Teddy) fake his cum scene at the end?