NOIR Male: Rocco Steele Tops Jacen Zhu and Colby Tucker in ‘Double Checkmate’

Double Checkmate (Rocco Steele Tops Jacen Zhu and Colby Tucker) at Noir Male

Double Checkmate (Jacen Zhu, Colby Tucker and Rocco Steele) at Noir Male
Double Checkmate (Jacen Zhu, Colby Tucker and Rocco Steele) at Noir Male
Double Checkmate (Jacen Zhu, Colby Tucker and Rocco Steele) at Noir Male

Jacen Zhu, Colby Tucker and Rocco Steele in ‘Double Checkmate’ at NOIRMale:

Naughty college guys Colby Tucker and Jacen Zhu are driving roommate Rocco Steele crazy with their wild ways! It’s time for this older daddy to teach them both a lesson! Get ready for double discipline this is hardcore fuck sex at its best. Including ass licking and cum filled climaxing! There is nothing better than learning your lesson!

Watch as Jacen Zhu, Colby Tucker and Rocco Steele at NOIRMale

Watch as Jacen Zhu, Colby Tucker and Rocco Steele at NOIRMale

Alann6 says:

Rocco is so unattractive… I really don’t care to see him.

bloody mary says:

I can only imagine what’s behind the beard.

nodoubtfan says:

Chin ridges like Thanos, probably.

CP3PO says:

Oh my god, you got me so damn good with that one! I’m not even kidding!!! 😂😂😂

Young Meesh says:

Colby Tucker…I see you, boo.

pilot101 says:

he did a scene with cockyboys. ugh, can’t wait!

Cubankid says:

Jacen is getting thick!

Mr.Varric says:

Jacen And Colby should’ve been paired together. I never got the appeal of Rocco all he is a beard and a dick.

Deoxys says:

Rocco has Hiv

tysandsnyc says:

So do someone else in this scene. Oh well.

elmtree says:


Ja.D says:

Jacen. That really threw me off when I found out about it.

tysandsnyc says:

Allegedly JZ. Google JZ and there’s an alleged article of him saying he is. Don’t know if it’s real or what.

Erudite says:

And he’s fat and unattractive.

Marco Sartori says:

Jacen is hot.
why doesn’t he love himself?

D. Ja says:

The whole premise of this studio has already started to grow tired on me. Definitely not interested in this

JJ says:

Premise? Elaborate dude…

Devin says:

Jacen’s body, but he should shave. Looks good from a distance, but the close ups of his ass. Looks nappy girl. I said it!

No_No_No_Yes says:

Well here it is, another episode of juicers gone bad. Rocco’s pecs look like a pair of flat tires, and everything is slowly turning to flab.

His dick may be magnificent – but you can keep the rest. Jacen baby make better choices.

freater says:

Rocco’s dick is absolutely stunning. That’s pretty much it.

lemonline2 says:

I guess a lot of gay porn fans are into attractive guys being fucked by anyone who has a huge dick, but it’s not my scene. I like seeing hot guys fuck each other — not being topped by an unattractive guy — just because he’s a genetic anomaly.