GayHoopla: Mystery Model #39 (Bruno Martin)

Mystery Model #39 at GayHoopla

Mystery Model #39 at GayHoopla
Mystery Model #39 at GayHoopla

Mystery Model #39 at GayHoopla:

Persian guy jerks his cock at GayHoopla.

Watch Mystery Model #39 at GayHoopla

Watch Mystery Model #39 at GayHoopla

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Bob Bilbert says:

GH is the only studio, outside of euros, that can get muscular jock types. Shame the studio is shit and that 90% of their models are homophobic douche bags.

John Doe says:

He’s actually pretty cute.
The scene was filmed a little under a year ago. feb 2019, and he does return for a HGF.
Typical “I’m 1000% ‘str8′” kind of guy.

Walt says:

His name is Bruno Martin. Looks like he’s had two str8 scenes on HGF.

Young Neil says:

I like this guy, the fact that this solo was shot so long ago and we haven’t heard anything is unsettling that he is going to be another solo only model… (which seems criminal to do to customers, if you are going to tease like this, ensure they come back for more than a BJ)… but just get Peter Grom back! Throw a lot of money at him and get him to be verse, please! Thank You! Good Bye!

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