Helix Studios: Garrett Kinsley Fucks Aaron Roberts in ‘A Halloween Story, Part 2’

A Halloween Story: Part 2 (Garrett Kinsley Fucks Aaron Roberts) at HelixStudios

A Halloween Story: Part 2 (Garrett Kinsley Fucks Aaron Roberts) at HelixStudios
A Halloween Story: Part 2 (Garrett Kinsley Fucks Aaron Roberts) at HelixStudios

Garrett Kinsley Fucks Aaron Roberts in ‘A Halloween Story, Part 2’ at Helix Studios:

Garrett Kinsley isn’t expecting his sometimes-hookup Aaron Roberts to show up at his Halloween party, especially while Jimmy’s in town. He plays off his relationship with Aaron when Devin introduces them, but wastes no time getting behind closed doors with his crush. The problem is that closed doors open, and what happens between them gets out in the open too.

Watch as Garrett Kinsley Fucks Aaron Roberts at Helix Studios

Watch as Garrett Kinsley Fucks Aaron Roberts at Helix Studios

DinosaurPrince says:

Kid Icarus meets Toy Story. They should keep their costumes on.

jag2power says:

Happy Halloween! We’re dancing our way through the last few days of scary USA!


hotsweetspot says:

Such cute children playing dress up. Oh, Dear.

BJ says:

Sorry, but I cannot take this seriously.

This is what happens when kids are not in school and are home all day doing “distance learning.”

PierredeSiorac says:

disturbingly childlike these two. I suppose they’re old enough, but the fact that they LOOK underage is a huge turnoff