Helix Studios: Garrett Kinsley and Dallas Preston Flip-Fuck in ‘Let’s Hit It, Part 2: Fireworks’

Let's Hit It, Part 2: Fireworks (Garrett Kinsley and Dallas Preston Flip-Fuck) at HelixStudios

Let's Hit It, Part 2: Fireworks (Garrett Kinsley and Dallas Preston Flip-Fuck) at HelixStudios
Let's Hit It, Part 2: Fireworks (Garrett Kinsley and Dallas Preston Flip-Fuck) at HelixStudios
Let's Hit It, Part 2: Fireworks (Garrett Kinsley and Dallas Preston Flip-Fuck) at HelixStudios

Garrett Kinsley and Dallas Preston Flip-Fuck in ‘Let’s Hit It, Part 2: Fireworks’ at Helix Studios:

After picking up some fireworks at the mother of all fireworks stands, Chase Williams and Garrett Kinsley have the time of their lives with local boys Austin Lovett and Dallas Preston. At the end of the night, Garrett graciously gives the boys a tour of the RV. Chase sits this one out… He’s seen it.

Watch as Garrett Kinsley and Dallas Preston Flip-Fuck at Helix Studios

Watch as Garrett Kinsley and Dallas Preston Flip-Fuck at Helix Studios

Elza says:

I just wanna take these boys home…

and give them a few square meals, damn

Alann6 says:

Too much twink!

Agreed 🤷‍♂️ I won’t shame them as they’re perfect as bottoms IMO 👌🏻 They just need a masculine top, or two – one for each 💪🏻🔥

Mikhal says:

who would’ve expected twinks on a twink porn site