Active Duty: Jon Campanelli Trains Cody Kodak

Jon Campanelli Trains Cody Kodak at ActiveDuty

Jon Campanelli Trains Cody Kodak at ActiveDuty
Jon Campanelli Trains Cody Kodak at ActiveDuty

Jon Campanelli Trains Cody Kodak at Active Duty:

Cody Kodak is having trouble fitting in at the military. But Jon Campanelli is here to teach Cody all the tricks to fitting in.

Watch as Jon Campanelli Trains Cody Kodak at ActiveDuty

Watch as Jon Campanelli Trains Cody Kodak at ActiveDuty

Scrapple says:

The Gamma family must really love Jon. First CM chooses his Peepshow scene for a future update, now he’s working at Active Duty.

That’s what porn is these days. Everything is interchangeable.

Kj says:

John Campanelli and Cody Kodak are very hot men. Congratulations Active Duty.

Fummer43 says:

The bottom is way skinny, but….. not terrible