Lucas Entertainment: Craig Marks Bottoms for Bossman Adam Killian in ‘Gentlemen 32: Hard Negotiations, Scene 3’

Gentlemen 32: Hard Negotiations, Scene 3 (Craig Marks Bottoms For Adam Killian) at LucasEntertainment

Gentlemen 32: Hard Negotiations, Scene 3 (Craig Marks Bottoms For Adam Killian) at LucasEntertainment
Gentlemen 32: Hard Negotiations, Scene 3 (Craig Marks Bottoms For Adam Killian) at LucasEntertainment
Gentlemen 32: Hard Negotiations, Scene 3 (Craig Marks Bottoms For Adam Killian) at LucasEntertainment

Craig Marks Bottoms For Adam Killian in ‘Gentlemen 32: Hard Negotiations, Scene 3’ at Lucas Entertainment:

Craig Marks has worked hard his entire life to win at everything he does and be a success. Many guys wanted to simply use him for his amazing good looks, incredible body, and his ability to take dick. But he always walked the high road and earned everything through hard work and determination.

But that was before he was met by the immovable force that is his new boss, Adam Killian [JustFor.Fans: KillianAdam]. And if Craig Marks is going to move up the ladder the way he always planned, he’s going to have to give in and give it up.

Judging by all of the incredible positions Craig can pose his body in for the pleasure of Adam Killian, it is safe to say he’s more than happy with the arrangement!

Watch as Craig Marks Bottoms For Adam Killian at LucasEntertainment

Watch as Craig Marks Bottoms For Adam Killian at LucasEntertainment

moondoggy says:

I love this gif, but in actuality, it wouldn’t take me this long to close the door.

McM. says:

Figured this would be up your alley. Adam cums from fucking and there’s an internal cum shot.

moondoggy says:

I don’t like Adam Killian at ALL. Had that not been the case, I would track this down on your recommendation, but I have zero confidence in a Lucas Entertainment creampie. I’ve been watching their videos since they went raw (though I kinda gave up on them a few years ago), and I have never, ever, ever seen anyone cum from fucking. The small number of would-be exceptions I can count on one hand and all looked fake.

Gazzaq says:

Adam nah mate all that surgery looks bloody awful. Craig’s pretty but his legs are a bit to skinny. No not for me is this scene!

Kj says:

Craig Marks is pure sexy

indootje says:

Unfortunately lately we see more scenes of buttugly Adam Killian and weirdo Lucas. Even Lucas entertainment is getting out of stock with beautiful men, everyone is on onlyfans.

DeeGee says:

Craig deserves so much better than this.

Scrapple says:

Adam is here. Which means the negotiations to get hard included a see-through cockring.