Helix Studios: Derek Shaw Fucks Zach Letoa in ‘Little Jock Big Jock’

Little Jock Big Jock (Derek Shaw Fucks Zach Letoa) at Helix Studios

Little Jock Big Jock (Derek Shaw Fucks Zach Letoa) at Helix Studios
Little Jock Big Jock (Derek Shaw Fucks Zach Letoa) at Helix Studios

Derek Shaw Fucks Zach Letoa in ‘Little Jock Big Jock’ at Helix Studios:

Zach Letoa bottoms for Derek Shaw in ‘Little Jock Big Jock’ at Helix Studios.

Derek Shaw Fucks Zach Letoa at HelixStudios

Derek Shaw Fucks Zach Letoa at HelixStudios

Philip Broad says:

I can’t bring myself to like Derek Shaw. There’s no interest in any cock (other than his own) and he’s so wooden (in the acting sense, not the porn one!).
Yet reconstructed Helix still persists with him. Frankly, I don’t get it or see the point.
Maybe someone can explain…

Jason says:

I will gladly submit to Derek! Have your way Sir!

Philip Broad says:

I can’t bring myself to like Derek Shaw. There’s no interest in any cock (other than his own) and he’s so wooden (in the acting sense, not the porn one!).
Yet reconstructed Helix still persists with him. Frankly, I don’t get it or see the point.
Maybe someone can explain…

Fummer43 says:

He’s a good looking boy. By Helix standards, he’s quite masculine; a reasonable successor to Josh Brady.
He recently showed up in my IG feed; he seems like an interesting kid…. a smart, 3 dimensional person….

Rob Ramsay says:

Sorry but respectfully disagree, especially with your comment about him being a reasonable successor to Josh Brady. Not at all. He doesn’t stack up against Josh, and considering his previous pre-sex scene with Parker Quinn, there is something “off” with him.

Can we please retire both Derek Shaw and Silas Brooks from Helix? Please!!!

JB says:

The top needs to work on the men boobs.

moondoggy says:

I see your point, but I’m not mad. They’re still firm enough to be pecs, and the large raised nipples are hot as fuuuuuck to me.

Kj says:

Derek has awesome nipples

Mark Coppola says:

Helix needs to do better. What happened to this studio?

James Freedman says:

I know Derek Shaw is vers and he said “bottoming is just a wee bit too intimate for me to do on camera”. He has a great ass, hopefully he will bottom soon but isn’t Helix paying enough for him to bottom?