Reno at ChaosMen

Reno at ChaosMen
Reno at ChaosMen

Reno and Griffin used to date, and were living together before Reno decided to move West to go to school. Griffin and ChaosMen recruiter Ben kind of “volunteered” Reno to do the shoot. He was fine with doing photos but was adamant about not doing nudes.

Griffin, Reno, and about five other guys all really were not down with doing the nudes. They did want to be photographed, but felt like they had too many friends that would give them a hard time.

After spending more time with all of them, Bryan of ChaosMen said that he realized that they are pretty social, and many of the locals know who they are. So you can understand their point,. Many of the photos that Bryan takes can be done tastefully and not porny. Add on to that that Reno had no problems changing in front of Bryan, and God, the boy must have equine in his family tree!

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