Damien at SeanCody

Damien at Sean Cody
Damien at Sean Cody

Sean Cody is a sucker for all-natural guys like Damien. When he picked him up at the airport, Sean noticed right away how hot he is. He’s extremely clean cut, tall, muscular, has no tattoos, perfect teeth, and deep blue eyes. On top of all that, he’s also very friendly.

Sean noticed that as they were walking out of the airport he was getting a lot of looks from girls (and a few from some rather straight-looking guys as well). When Sean pointed it out to him, he said he hadn’t even noticed. Apparently he’s one those late bloomers who doesn’t realize how hot he really is!

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aRMADN says:

Is there any other video of this damn hot man… PLease send me reply on my e-mail…