SeanCody: Davis (II)

Davis 2 at SeanCody

Davis 2 at SeanCody

Davis 2 at SeanCody

Davis 2 at SeanCody

Davis 2 at SeanCody

Davis 2 at SeanCody

Watch Davis at

SeanCody wrote:

Davis reminds me of a guy I knew when I was in school. He was kind of nerdy, but he had dark hair and a perfect smile. He was also tall, a bit shy, and athletic and academic at the same time.

And we were in gym class together. Ah, yes, gym class… where all my curiosities were nicely satisfied! I remember one day I was kneeling while untying my shoes… and I looked up and saw his monster cock swinging from his lean, defined frame as he walked out of the shower! Good times!

Davis is lot like him. He isn’t your typical muscle hound. He’s quiet but social once you get to know him. I tried to break the ice with him in many ways, yet he always seemed to blush or he tried to hide his perfect smile. He’s still 19 and that might have something to do with it. But he has nothing to be shy about at all! Behind his youthful face and demeanor is a man with a 9-inch dick waiting to be let loose!

His dick is very impressive, swinging between those thick, tall legs, and his balls are some of the lowest I’ve ever seen…

Don’t ever underestimate the shy ones!

Jazz says:

VERY NICE!!! I can’t wait to see him back for some man on man action. I hope they pair him with someone hot. I think Calvin would be perfect for his first pairing.

Axon says:

Great bod and cute face. Sean Cody has certainly improved their form of late.

Effie says:

What a total cutey! I love his smile. I’d love to see him paired with the new Asian kid Dale ASAP please! Although his dick is slightly limped, he’s still hot

Queen says:

Big ears but I’ll take him!

dio says:

he’s cute, but his body is just… weird looking all over the shop. LOL like, he’s got various muscle implants.

jag2power says:

The one pic with his ass out and his pink eye winking and big dick swinging between his legs looks like a classic Tom of Finland shot.

porndog says:

This guy’s cute and sexy. The first pics reminded me of Andrew Stark, but the rest, no so much. He’s hot and a keeper!

porndog says:

Watched the solo. He’s even cuter in the vid and has a dry sense of humor. Seems shy and unaware or doesn’t care that he’s got a hot body and big dick. He’s a bit stiff, but I really hope he comes back for more.

Ryder25 says:

Really cute guy. Nice teeth. Nice hairy spread ass.

muffintop says:

Congratulations Davis for breaking the chain of guys with not-so-appealing faces Sean Cody has been having lately. This guy is pretty cute but he still doesn’t ‘wow’ me.

Urs Jans says:

Goodlooking Mexican

fresero_abre_culos says:

how can you tell he is Mexican? Or is it just a racist comment?

Brock722 says:

Hope he said that just so you would have a reaction.

fresero_abre_culos says:

every one who is witness to racism should have a reaction, racism should never be tolerated!

Auggy says:

Racism? It’s more a case of stereotyping than racism, which is just as bad. Mexicans aren’t a race they’re a nationality. Urs Jans, no disrespect, but not everyone of “Latin” descent (if Davis is even Latino, not sure) is Mexican. :)

fresero_abre_culos says:

stereotyping and xenophobia are just one more branch of that disgusting weed called racism!

Jonny Marzetti says:

But spouting nonstop about “inbred rednecks”, “vomit-inducing Euro-Trash” etc., etc. isn’t stereotyping? Practice what you preach, dude.

Jonny Marzetti says:

He’s mildly cute, nothing special. Ass ho-hum, and apparently I’m one of the few who’s not a fan of cocks that have a big downward cure.

Jonny Marzetti says:

Make that downward curVe. And meant to post that last comment at the bottom of the thread.

fresero_abre_culos says:

Jonny Marzetti, how empty your life must be for you to follow what i write on this blog! Get a life! Euro trash and Inbred Rednecks are not racist, they are politicaly incorrect classist terms. Get educated.

Jonny Marzetti says:

fresero_abre_culos, it’s almost impossible to miss your continual viciously-wrded model put-downs. And after complaining about *stereotyping* (YOUR word), the attempt to differentiate — and defend your use of — phrases like “inbred Rednecks” and “Euro trash” is absurd.

fresero_abre_culos says:

as if you aren’t vicious when you don’t like a model! JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA Did i hit a nerve?

Mr. Black says:

I want.

hollydick says:

hot ASS and dick ! beautiful eyes ! hope he’ll return..

fresero_abre_culos says:

Hot cute guy! He has a great ass! Can’t wait to see him get plowed!

Established One says:

Nice. A very nice big dick. I hope he does returns. I just hope he uses that big dick of his instead of being a bottom. He gets my YES!

Sushi says:

Add me to the list of takers. I hope to see more of this cutie.

Marjorie Flores from Ishcombobbido says:

He’s cute in a Not Quite Ready for, erm, Porn, Time kind of way.

And, ironically, he looks if he’d been on another site a la “Mike III.”

Does anyone recognize him?

hollydick says:

where did U see him ?

clusterfuck says:

I want him every which way.

Auggy says:

Geeky cute but he does have a nice piece of meat between those legs and his hot-pink hole looks absolutely yummy. I wanna see him get rimmed good and I want him on his back, legs spread, getting plowed in the next update, pronto, SC. ;)…hopefully

Daniel says:

Forgettable face and body but very interesting cock

AaronJL says:

Yeah. Looks a bit like a younger me, so I can’t get overly excited.

Eh, what the hell, I love him (and me). :-P

Effie says:

Very cute smile! A scene with him and fellow newbie Dale please!

tyler says:

gorgeous- let me swallow it

twinkemopunk808 says:

sean cody is on it! another hot guy- a dudes face is pretty important to me.. i dunno about the rest of you guys.. dont get me wrong im ok with a bag over the head sometimes- but this dude is quite cute ;)

Marco26 says:

He’s a keeper. But I wonder if he’ll be back? I would LOVE to see him again! fingers crossed

josssa says:

even *I* foreskin-lover josssa, find his dick yummy yummy yummy, and he is a gorgeous looking mexican (hey, im not being racist, just politically incorrect);-)