ActiveDuty: Gamble (Solo)

Gamble at ActiveDuty

Gamble at ActiveDuty

Gamble at ActiveDuty

Watch Gamble (Solo) at

Gamble is 19-years old, from Louisiana, stands 5′ 9″ and weighs 165 lbs. He says he’s hung more like a pony than a horse. He’s sporting the most beautiful hazel bedroom eyes I’ve seen in awhile and when he takes off his shirt we’re delightfully caught by surprise with a nice furry chest and happy trail. This fur goes further and once he pulls down his pants we see his nice furry butt and legs that compliment his upper body. Gamble hops back on the bed with his boxers down and gets right to the business at hand, stroking that nice, thick cock and working it up. All that manliness is complimented nicely by his contrasting baby face that makes for a very nice package. Once he gets comfortable Gamble starts talking dirty shit to the camera, telling us all the things a ready cock sucker wants to hear.

Watch Gamble (Solo) at

adowhat says:

seems very avg and very hairy for active duty. no thanks.

Peach says:

I don’t like his chavvy style (and chavs in general) but he’s kinda fit.

Southbay says:

I like him he’s cute. I love that hairy ass!

elmtree says:


Johnny2x4 says:


David7 says:

Including Axl, {although his politics are twisted: white supremacist tats..etc), it seems that Active Duty (AD) is starting to get some nice looking dudes on it site. I still think Diego is the best looking one on AD

dio says:

he looks better w/ the hat off, but that’s not really saying much.

von schlomo says:

Looks pretty broke.

jag2power says:

Hey JLo, found your man.

Sushi says:

I think he’s pretty cute….at least he’s not dead skinny and pale like a lot of the current ActiveDuty newbies have been. I could do without all that hair on his ass, but when he’s taking a dick I will look past that imperfection. ;)

Daniel says:

A little trailer trash, no?

greennails says:

No. Trailer trash is kind of a big word.
I guess you’re the one being trashy.

Colby Parr says:

Cutest guy to hit AD in awhile.