Freshmen’s Back To Greece, Part 13 [feat. Kevin Warhol, Niko Vangelis, Nils Tatum, Peter Annaud, Serge Cavalli and More…]

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Back To Greece, Part 13 at Freshmen:

It’s beach time as we join our happy crew this week, but it seems like Jerome has forgotten how many boys he has to look after. Today he can find only 9, but he’s pretty sure that yesterday there were 12. Probably means that there is a 3way going on somewhere that he knows nothing about…

Featuring: Eluan Jeunet, Jerome Exupery, Jon Kael, Kevin Warhol, Matthieu Pique, Niko Vangelis, Nils Tatum, Peter Annaud, Pip Caulfield, Serge Cavalli, Sven Basquiat and Torsten Ullman

Watch ‘Back To Greece, Part 13 at Freshmen

Watch ‘Back To Greece, Part 13 at Freshmen

That’s a whole crowd over there 😜 Too much 🙄

Just give me a good 1 on 1 kinda action & that’s enough 👍🏻