Hoyt Kogan

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Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

BelAmi Online: Christian Lundgren, Hoyt Kogan and Frederick Perin in ‘3-Way Masterclass’

The Art Of Love Masterclass [Christian Lundgren, Hoyt Kogan and Frederick Perin] at BelAmiOnline

Two of our favorite BelAmi guys are here today to give a masterclass lesson to Frederick Perin in the art of love.  As the ‘seniors’ of BelAmi, Hoyt Kogan and Christian Lundgren enjoy the privilege of being to choose some of their scene partners and Frederick is obviously a first class choice for a 3way.

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Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

Bel Ami Online: Hoyt Kogan Fucks Christian Lundgren in ‘Jambo Africa’

Jambo Africa (Hoyt Kogan Fucks Christian Lundgren) at BelAmiOnline.com

Bel Ami: When you mention Hoyt Kogan and Christian Lundgren in the same sentence we swear we can hear underwear dropping all over the world. Easily 2 of our most handsome models at BelAmi they have long had a off screen ‘relationship’ as well as hooking up quite regularly in front of the camera.

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Bel Ami Online: Antony Lorca, Rhys Jagger, Hoyt Kogan and Jamie Durrell in ‘All You Can Fuck Party, Scene 4’

All You Can Fuck Party, Scene Three (Antony Lorca, Rhys Jagger, Hoyt Kogan and Jamie Durrell) at BelAmiOnline.com

The party at BelAmi is in full swing as long-time friends Hoyt Kogan and Antony Lorca sneak off to a private place to their tryst, and Jamie Durrell and Rhys Jagger decide to put the gym to an alternate use for a while.

Bel Ami’s All You Can Fuck Party

Bel Ami's All You Can Fuck Party at BelAmiOnline.com

Christmas has begun at BelAmiOnline with our All You Can Fuck party. 12 sexual encounters and over 20 guys are having the time of their life. Come and join them all today.